Friday, March 12, 2010

Classroom Management Plan

- Be Sincere in All You Do
This is another way of saying put your best effort out there all the time.  In attempting to develop students who are ready for college, or the work force it is important that we teach them the importance in taking pride in their work and always giving their best effort.  the beauty of this type of "rule" is that somedays a students best, or most sincere effort, may be 75% rather than 100%.  If they are honest with them self then this idea has served its purpose.

There is really no disciplinary consequence for tis "rule", rather a natural one.  If students do not give a sincere effort hen they have no one to blame when they do not see the outcome they desired.  

- Be Respectful
This rule applies to self, others, and property.  It is important to teach the students that even if you disagree with someone you can still have respect for where they are coming from.  Being respectful of others also means allowing others the right to learn.  This rule encompasses the idea of not fighting with others.  It also encourages respect for the teacher, which we all will appreciate.  We have all noticed students who become bored and begin writing in books or on desks.  We should be teaching them that property that does not belong to us is to be taken care of and not destroyed.  This lesson will carry out into other areas of their lives. 

Depending on the level of disrespect, consequences may include writing a formal apology, staying after school to clean desks (or whatever property was destroyed), phone call home, stepping outside the classroom for a certain amount of time, or a visit to the office.

- Use Appropriate Language
Students are encouraged to use academic language in order to practice it, since it is not being used outside the classroom.  This also means there is no cursing in the classroom.  The classroom is a sanctuary for the students and teacher and needs to feel safe.  Harsh words, cursing, does not create that atmosphere.  I hear a lot of cursing outside the classroom and I want to enforce that that kind of language is not appropriate in the academic realm.  Hate speech will not be tolerated.

Students will be warned the first time, unless the offense is something that needs to be dealt with more extreme measures (Hate speech).  Students who use hate speech in the classroom will be removed for a enough time for the teacher and student to discuss the comments made.  A phone call home in order to set up a conference with student and parent will made on first offense of hate speech.  After the first warning students will be asked to write a brief statement explaining their reason for using such language.  A third offense will result in a phone call home.

- Be Ready to Learn
This means that when you walk through the doors into the classroom all distractions are left outside, to the best of the student's ability.  Students are expected to bring books, homework, notes, etc, everyday to class.  Students are expected to have cell phones on silence as well as ipods off and earphones out.  If students have something going on that is going to be a distraction (family, boy/girlfriend) students will need to bring it to my attention (I do not need to know specifics, but need to be made aware that life is distracting them so that I can have a heads up to any lack of attention).  

Students who fail to follow this will see the effects when grades come around.  Students will have cell phones taken until the end of the day on first offense and on second offense parents will need to come pick them up.  Same goes for ipods.  

- Be Willing to Take Chances and Make Mistakes
I believe it is imperative that students be willing to make mistakes.  We all learn from ours and others mistakes so it is important that students are willing to take those chances to be wrong in front of their peers.  This rule also means that the teacher has a responsibility to establish an environment in the classroom where students feel safe enough to do this.

This is a learning community issue.  Students not willing to take these chances will not gain as much from the class as could have been gained.

1 comment:

  1. I like how you encourage the students to take chances. Students fear being wrong and thats the reason students are hesitant to participate. Getting them to know that it's ok to be wrong will make your classroom enviroment much more inviting
